Distance Calculation is a simple Opera widget that helps you calculate the distance between two points on the map.
The program will ask for your permission to find your location. After that, you will be able to see a full satellite view of your location. You can navigate using your mouse or keyboard, and zoom in and out at any preferred point. The program features 3D, terrain, satellite, and street view options. It also supports displaying captions in your own native language for some locations, if available, and some widget's buttons.
The widget has a search text-box, which enables you to find any address worldwide, or you can simply click on any point on the map, and the distance between your location and that point will be automatically calculated in kilometers.
When I first saw this widget, I thought it would require GPS to work, otherwise it should never retrieve my location. I was totally wrong: it could locate me on the map, even while I was using a normal PC without GPS support. This was done by tracing the location of my IP address through my ISP (Internet Service Provider).